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Isolating in a GR Yaris: My Covid Story


I kept on thinking to myself. How ridiculous is this? Practically, the greatest car to be released in recent times, just sitting in my parking bay and here I am confined to my bed with this wretched virus. Isolating in a GR Yaris it will have to be.

We all have a covid story. One thing I’m sure of is that coronavirus accelerated plans, whether it was positive or negative. Those that wanted to leave their day jobs had this “now or never” feeling. My story is no different. It started long before even contracting the virus which came at the very same moment that had I received one of the most hyped-up cars of recent times, the Toyota GR Yaris. Ill timing but that’s life.

More on my story - Rewind seven years, occupying a head of IT and information systems position for a property company which I enjoyed. Sure there were moments of displeasure but largely it was a rewarding space. Every venture has them so don’t ever be deluded, Eventually deciding to leave to pursue the dream, I had no idea that my Covid story was just beginning. The departure away from the safety net of employment is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a brave risk laced with fear of the unknown but no risk no reward, right?. I served on an incredibly bonded management team who had overcome great trials to stay afloat amidst a crippling industry and who had come out on top. Leaving was a tough ask but again that gut feeling I had was “now or never”. I wasn’t sure if the time was right, but is the time ever right? That was September 2020. After close to 6 months of notice, working down my time I had eventually found myself on the street, a freelancer. What a strange walk home that day turned out was. What next I thought?

Here’s the disclaimer for all those that might be frustrated with your current situation - I look back fondly at my time in commerce. Many lessons in executive engagements, solving business problems and working with some incredibly sharp talent. It’s those moments that shaped the professional side of my life and proved part of the catalyst for this energy to create magic and push forward. I owe my MD at the time, Jacques, immense gratitude for the years of moulding and leadership. Even during the critical moments during Covid Jacques’ ability to break down the pandemic and help create and execute on a well thought out plan was invaluable on how to approach a challenge. Countless other examples like that existed but of the lessons imparted what stuck in my mind most was something Jacques mentioned one day in a mentorship session: ”Good leaders inspire you to leave” Eventually it happened, taking seven years. Patience, I learnt, is a virtue. Your time will come. But what does this have to do with the GR Yaris? Context my dear reader…context.

Again we all have our covid story. We saw it everywhere. It forced many to act or be acted upon. It created new opportunities and got the resourceful juices flowing. For every few sad stories, there was a positive story. I’m lucky that I was part of the positive ones. Over time I’ve seen the odds turn towards more positive stories than sad ones. A testament to human endeavour, perhaps the motivation that you still had to pay your rent.

My covid story was unfolding and just like I know that when entering a new space like the auto industry, I knew that there is a period where you’d need to eat shit (Rob I know you take great solace in this blunt statement). By that, you’d be getting scraps at times. Testing nothing but SUVs and bakkies. The lesson here…take every opportunity and turn it into something gold. Your time will come. My time came when I had emailed Riaan, the PR for Toyota after completing an Overlanding story I did with the Hilux, about an idea that I had involving the GR Yaris and he came back with a positive response. A GR Yaris was assigned to White Knuckle Adventures after a Suzuki Spresso. “Fucking hell,” I thought.

If you’re not too familiar with the wonder that is the GR Yaris, just think of the stale industry of boring cars and then a big bright light in the distance. No this isn’t rapture but it could be some form of second coming for the automotive industry. Toyota was taking matters into their own hands to go out making fun cars. I simply had to get hold of one. That time eventually arrived.

It’s funny how life goes. The moment GR Yaris arrived, I started feeling ill, a slight cough and fatigue. I go for the all intrusive PCR test and so began the agonizing wait. At 01:00 the news arrived. Weird I know, were these lab rats in white coats working the night shift? Anyway. Here it was. After 2 years of dodging and diving the pandemic along with the activists on the Sea Point Promenade (thanks, Kendrick) and a countless amount of rapid antigen tests for car launches and events, losing count of the number of times I had the flagpole stuck up my nose, seemingly skimming my brain each time (You know the feeling). The irony, however, was deafening. Coinciding with being given the first proper test car assigned to the White Knuckle Brand...and a GR Yaris at it too. What ill timing. How was the universe conspiring against me?

The planned stories needed to be canned. A special shoot with some rally-inspired cars, an interview with SA rally legend, Serge Damseaux. All canned. But it all dawned on me. This blank slate was a moment to pause and appreciate the journey I’ve been on along with everyone that has come with me. Let’s go for a drive. An isolation drive. 

Driving has always been a virtue, a solitary place to be. A place to collect thoughts, process ideas or develop action plans around big decisions to be made. I have taken that for granted at times. We all have fallen into that trap. Covid in the GR Yaris reaffirmed that. In the next 5 days, I went from a routine of bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, lounge and then into the GR Yaris. Repeat. On the first day after getting the verdict, had no energy to drive at all. I hid the key. Out of sight out of mind but the next day it all changed. Driving became an escape. The way it should be. Putting a smile on my face while my body tackled this virus. I had no choice but to enjoy it alone and I was fine with that. It was the soul-cleansing moment I needed. Franschhoek Pass, Kloofnek road, Victoria road or certain quiet sections in the CBD at night along with the blistering performance of my isolation partner, the GR Yaris, provided all the therapy I needed.

How’s Covid been so far? Well, the best way that I can put is that it’s been sorta like waking up with a hangover each day but with no cool story from the previous night or fun and no record of money wasted. I won’t get into the ‘vaxxed or not vaxxed’ discussion and I sure am no Joe Rogan disciple either so you’re spared from involuntary indoctrination. The only thing that I maintain is sleep, vitamin D, C, Zinc and a GR Yaris. Sure I may be lucky in many regards from a health standpoint including my close network of family and friends who showed their support. That means the world. 

Perhaps you’re reading this questioning your own covid story and are developing your plan and are unsure of what next to do? I do suggest that you to take calculated risks and push boundaries. If you’re happy living out your life working for someone then there’s nothing wrong with that. I was happy at that stage. But if you’re not or are yearning for something more, then despite your situation or circumstances there isn’t a perfect time. There never will be despite how well you set it up and just like getting the halo car that I wanted came with poor timing as it may have sounded, it wasn’t. It was a sign of better things to come and if you walk away from this with some fire lit to go out there and act, you will be a success. I guarantee you that but before you do that, go for a drive.


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